Monday, February 28, 2005

Icons, Idols, and Awesomeness

Wow, so much to discuss today. The first of which is that I got a copy of the new Spoon album this past weekend....and it is quite possibly the BEST ALBUM IVE HEARD IN THE PAST TWO YEARS. HOLY SHIT!!&@%@$#$@#& I wish I could put it into words...the only thing that comes to mind is orgasmic. It's beautifully recorded too. And not as poppy as Kill the Moonlight. And ridiculously amazing.

Anyway, its called Gimme Fiction and comes out on Merge Records on May 10th, so you all must go out and buy it. Even I will. Here's the track listing:

1. The Beast And Dragon, Adored
2. The Two Sides Of Monsieur Valentine
3. I Turn My Camera On
4. My Mathematical Mind
5. The Delicate Place
6. Sister Jack
7.I Summon You
8. The Infinite Pet
9. Was It You?
10. They Never Got You
11. Merchants Of Soul

On the complete opposite end of the awesomeness spectrum, I avoided the internet this weekend and came back online only to hear that Fred Durst had some sort of sex tape put on the internet. I can't believe that Fred can still get laid.

So anyway, sometimes late at night when I get home from the bars, I end up watching MTV. And it seems I always catch Gwen Stefani's "Rich Girl" video. Now its not news to me that Gwen rips off her fashion style from pretty much everyone else, but when I was watching that video I knew she was completely stealing the whole sassy pirate concept from somebody.....ADAM ANT

Rastafarians, the Indian culture, Tom Petty, Harajuku Girls (who were first presented to America as being 'cool and viable fashion icons' during the last season of Americans Next Top Model months before Gwen debuted her album), The Faint & Gary Numan and 1980s fashion, and now Adam Ant. Geez. But anyway, that Adam Ant. He was good. And good looking.

And finally, is anyone else excited for the premier of the new season of America's Next Top Model on Wednesday night? I caught some of the VH1 marathon this past weekend (even though I watched last season in its entirety) and I am definitely ready for some drama and catfights. By the way, did anyone watch last week's finale of Project Runway and notice Ann (The Man) from the last ANTM walking the catwalk for Kara Saun? Love me some reality television.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks for the info on the new Spoon album. I played the last album until friends started to groan at the redundency...

two other bands that i discovered around the same time that have stuck with me as well: Beulah you probably already know about, but have you heard 20 minute loop? I'm pretty sure you would dig them...

12:12 AM  

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