Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Two Americas

Well John Kerry is set to concede at 1pm. It becomes apparent that we live in a political climate that is dominated by neo-conservative, morality issues and beliefs. This has been going on since Reagan in 1980. And that's fine.

As witnessed throughout history, politics goes in phases and cycles and currently we are in a state where the majority of Americans put fetuses and gay marriage ahead of belief in petty notions such as peace, prosperity, national health care, quality education, protecting the environment, and tolerance. However, someday this will change. I seriously believe that our generation, as we mature and grow and actually decide to go out at vote (because obviously, this did not happen this time despite P Diddy's efforts to "Vote or Die") will change the political discourse.

Republicans gained more control in the Senate and the House as well, though we finally have a black person in the Senate (I love you, Barack Obama. All eleven states voted to ban gay marriage (Mississippians voted 86%!), Alaska failed to legalize marijuana, and California voted to accept funding for stem cell research.

Our neighboor to the north, Canada, looks better and better. NATIONAL HEALTH CARE!!! GAY MARRAIGE IS LEGAL (in some parts)!!!, REFUSAL TO GET INVOLVED IN BAD WARS!!! LEGALIZED MARIJUANA!!! HOCKEY (er...)!!!, FABULOUSLY COLD WINTERS (er....)!!!

and best of all, NO DICK CHENEY!!!

Merely joking.

I am a little frightened about the next four years. Specifically when it comes to Bush choosing up to four new Supreme Court judges. I only hope that now that he has won his precious second term that his daddy couldn't muster up, that he doesn't make decisions that are geared towards his base, but towards all Americans. What ever happened to uniting the country?

Well, here's one positive thought to think about in terms of the future...

Barack Obama....President in 2012!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

YES! I'm putting all my faith in Barack.

10:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All of you American Democrats are welcome to come to get used to the winters.

1:09 PM  
Blogger Meghan Brozanic said...

Voter turnout is only a good thing if the voters are well-informed on all of the issues. The Republicans did a really good job at mobilizing the 4 million evangelical Christians that didn't go out and vote in 2000. Exit polls showed that the #1 concern of Americans that voted was "morality", before terrorism, economy, Iraq, etc. When voters merely look at one issue when they decide who they're going to vote for (ie: abortion, gay marriage, and other moral wedge issues), I think that's a bit messed up, personally, because they are often uninformed about the other issues that really matter. Just my opinion.

5:44 PM  

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